Welcome to Quantum-Radionics,
the online practice for radionics and bioenergetics
Bioenergetic quantum field analysis
Radionic treatments
Cleansing of energy fields
Naturopath, researcher, author, lecturer and manufacturer of essences and energetic products
Naturopath practiced for 28 years
12 years lecturer at our own school for naturopathy & energetics
Manufacturer of the Atlantis Quintessences, an essence system with 160 different essences
Manufacturer of the new Atlantis essences
Developer of RAG quantum frequency technology
Various lecturer activities, seminars, training courses
Author of specialist literature
Over 35 years of experience flow into all areas
All methods listed here are of a subtle nature and affect the energetic structures; under no circumstances are any promises made. Every person who decides to receive such a treatment is responsible for themselves. All methods are of an energetic nature and are not physical treatments and are non-invasive. All offers mentioned here do not replace medical treatment. All methods are seen as energetic support Area and do not replace medical treatments. These offers cannot be used as a replacement for medical treatment.
Kind regards,
Rolphe Alcide Grimaître ©
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Text & Design Rolphe Alcide Grimaître © Bio-Energie-Systeme